Spousal Surveillance, Infidelity/Cheating Spouses

Video, audio and photographic surveillance is appropriate for any situation whether personal or professional. It is intended to provide the client with a “Pattern of life” to clearly understand what a person or group is engaged in when the client is not present. This service is completely discreet and does not leave a “footprint.”


11 signs of Infidelity

1.     Changes in work routine

2.     Suspicious/secretive phone or computer usage

3.     Your significant other is unreachable

4.     Changes in intimacy

5.     Suspicious internet usage

6.     Unexplained absences

7.     Altered Schedule

8.     Hostility towards you or your relationship

9.     Friends seem to be uncomfortable around you

10.  Unexplained expenses

11.  Loss of confidentiality


When you’re ready to stop worrying and wondering, contact Cardinal Investigations. Call 713.496.2236